This section helps to create, customize, and enable/disable the discount offers.

Create offer:
1. Offer name:
Provide any feasible name for the offer like Buy X at $5.

2. Offer unique name:
Unique offer name for internal identification. Ex: Shoes offer, T-Shirt Offer.

3. Offer status:
Enable/Disable offer on the website.

4. Display offer table / banner:
It Will help to display the offer table/banner on the product page or not.

5. Select offer type:
Our app provides a total of four types of discount categories, and you can use them as per your requirements:

- Product (Offer a discount when we add more of the same products to the order.)

- Variant (Offer a discount when we add more of the same variants of the product to the order.) 

- Collection (Offer a discount when we add the same or different products under the same collection to the order. )

- Cart Total (Offer a discount when a customer adds a certain amount of orders to the cart.)

6. Offer title:
Information is to be displayed above the offer table on the product page. For example, Buy More, Save More.

7. Offer description:
Add an offer description as required for the customers to know more about it.

8. Select display offer type:
Select among Grid, List & Banner to display on the product page.

9. Price levels:

Set price Level. For e.g. For 5+ products get a 10% discount, or Get each product for ₹1000.00 or Get ₹1000.00 Off on each product.

10. Other Settings:

- Show offer using customer tags: Add customer tags to display or allow only tagged-based customers to avail of the benefits of the discount offers.

- Hide offer using customer tags: Apply customer tags to those for whom the offer should be hidden or disabled on the website. 

- Limit discount quantity: Add the number of quantities of the product here. After that quantity, the offer will not be applicable on the website.

- Schedule offer: Here we can select the start/end date and time to schedule the offer.

- Round discounted price: This feature will allow you to round decimal digits in discounted price.

- Country selection: Use this option if you wish to activate the offer only to specific countries, if this field is left blank the offer will be active worldwide/globally to the customers.