Version 2.11 (01-01-20)
- 🛠️ Premium Support with Addons
- 🛠️ Newly improved Navigation Menu
Version 2.10 (23-12-19)
- ✨ New! More power to Form Builder app!
- Close form submission on Specific Schedule date or after Number of submissions.
- Introduced Facebook Pixel
- 2 new Donation template
- Update Email Template Design
Version 2.9 (13-04-19)
- ✨ New! Users can now block specific types of emails, domains, and extensions for form submissions.
- ✨ New! Preset "Form Element" for specific fields like Countries, States, etc.
Version 2.8 (02-10-18)
- 🛠️ Sparkpost/SMTP Settings
- 🛠️ Google Captcha Scrolling to Bottom of Form in Safari 10 and more
- ✨ New! In-line form validation is now what can be done at ease!
- 🛠️ App is now Partner Friendly!
- ✨ New! Now add Integration article of Payment and MailReference: Payment Integration
Version 2.7 (25-08-18)
- ✨ New! Implemented GDPR policy Data Erase
- 🛠️ Export form Response using Tokenized URL
Version 2.6 (23-08-18)
- 🛠️ Remove Checked icon from Radio button to differentiate it from Checkbox
Version 2.4 (26-07-18)
- 🛠️ Add selected response Delete and Delete All responses
Version 2.3 (19-07-18)
- ✨ New! Now, Allow Submitted Form Element Value in Autoresponder Subject and Body
Version 2.2 (14-07-18)
- 🛠️ Multiple Image Upload - Allow image to upload one by one instead of all at a time
Version 2.1 (07-06-18)
- ✨ New! Add a jQuery that triggers after the form submission.
Version 2.0 (30-05-18)
- 🛠️ Updated the destroy method of options and conditions controller
- ✨ New! Introduced: “Save as Draft”
- ✨ New! Get connected with your favorite Email service integration Service provider(Mailchimp / Klaviyo)
- 🛠️ Form builder API for displaying form in Shopify mobile app
- 🛠️ Create Shopify Customer on form submission
- 🛠️ Create a copy of form
- 🛠️ Customize form messages option created
- 🛠️ One email per submission enabled
- 🛠️ Send form responses to users in email
- ✨ New! Added free form templates.
- ✨ New! Let your input fields speak out with the placeholder message
- ✨ New! Information message object added below all form elements
- ✨ New! Advanced CSS/JS as a Pro feature
- ✨ New! Google analytics code field for pageview
- 🛠️ Blocked usage of special characters like apostrophe ( ' ) & quotation marks ( " ) in any element name and value
- 🛠️ Payments accepted using Stripe
- 🛠️ If the email field is populated, the reply-to address in admin notification email will fetch the email address even without autoresponder tick
- ✨ New! Introducing: New element - (Address, HTML block and hidden field)
Version 1.3 (23-12-17)
- 🛠️ Upgraded Export to Excel functionality
Version 1.2 (11-12-17)
- ✨ New! Added Loader on Form Submitting
Version 1.1 (02-12-17)
- 🛠️ You can now rename or edit a Form at ease!
- 🛠️ Configure & Send Autoresponder email in few easy clicks!
- 🛠️ Now reply to emails you received with the user's email address
- ✨New! Insert link to Form Title, Description and Auto-Responder Message
- ✨New! Now set label fonts to entire form
- ✨New! Include an image in Form Description and Auto Response email using URL