• Are there any liquid installation steps required to complete the app installation?

With the new release of the app and online store 2.0, no manual placement of any coding is required for installation. With a couple of clicks, the user is ready to go.
However, to use the discount code functionality, a small code needs to be placed in the "cart-template" or "cart.liquid" file of your theme.

If you’re a Legacy Store 1.0 user, then you will need to install the Hulk Options code snippet into your current theme.

  • After the installation and offers setup, what's the next step?

You can preview the offer on the products where you’ve created the offer. Just make sure you have enabled the offer in the app.

  • Will I be able to use Coupon Codes in my store?

Yes, you can use coupon codes in your store. It requires a manual coding placement in the "cart-template.liquid" or "cart.liquid" file of your theme. Put the code wherever you need the discount code box to be displayed on the cart page. Or you can also add the discount code box block on the cart page from theme customize setting.