Shopify Online store 1.0

NOTE: These integration guidelines are limited to Shopify Online Store 1.0 only.

With Online Store 1.0 Theme Integration, it is necessary to manually add the snippets in the theme files to display the Subscription widget in the Shopify storefront.

Follow the steps for theme integration:

  1. Navigate to the Themes section in the Online Store module of your Shopify store.

  2. Please ensure to integrate the theme with your store’s duplicate/staging theme to avoid conflicts. 
    1. Click on the Actions dropdown and Duplicate your LIVE theme.

  3. Select Edit code from the Action button dropdown menu to access your theme's files.

  4. Add Snippet to Display Widget on Product Page

    For adding the code to the Product page

  • Open sections/product-template.liquid

NOTE: Theme file structure differ from store to store. Your product form code may be in the product.liquid, product-template.liquid, or product-form.liquid.

If you need help identifying theme files, contact us at

Adding code in the product form

  1. Ensure the code is in the HTML form like </form> 'OR' {% endform %} OR {%- endform -%}
  2. Locate the Add to Cart button code: <button type = "submit">
  3. Add the following code above it.
  4. Click Save.
 {% render 'subscription-plus-plan-selector', product: product %}

Adding code to display My Subscription Page

  1. Open the customers/account.liquid file.
  2. Ignore if {% render 'subscription-btn' %} snippet already exists in your store.
  3. Otherwise, add the following code to your preferred location, either before the Logout button or below the Page Title.
  4. Click Save.
{% render 'subscription-btn' %}

All integration steps are now complete! If you encounter any problems with the manual integration, email us at