According to us, Sky Pilot is the easiest app to integrate with Subscription Plus, to deliver digital content to your customers on a recurring basis using the Magazine/Membership style subscription.
Here's how you can set up the Membership Subscriptions feature:
1. From the Subscription Plus app admin navigate to Settings > Membership Subscription.
2. Next, determine the frequency of the order and the specific day for delivering new content. For example, you might choose to deliver content monthly on the 3rd of every month.
3. Create products in Shopify that correspond to each order cycle. Examples include 'January' product, 'February' product, etc. You can then add each of these to the subscription using Sky Pilot.
4. In Sky Pilot, associate the digital content for each relevant order cycle. You can do this as soon as the content is ready, and it will be sent to your customers based on the order frequency and delivery day you set in Sky Pilot. For instance, you can upload all the digital content into Subscription Plus in January or on the 1st of every month, and it will still be delivered on the 3rd of every month.
Your customers will appreciate the convenience and consistency of this approach, and you'll enjoy a streamlined process for managing digital content subscriptions.