Download Custom CSV Sample file

If you used a different review system before installing Hulk Product Reviews, you can easily migrate reviews to our app. Using our custom CSV importer you only need to follow our sample file to start uploading past reviews.

Structure and Required Values

The order of the columns is necessary to be exactly as follows, and every required value will be detailed in the list items; values without the ‘Required’ tag are optional and leaving them empty would be a valid value.
  • product_id (Required)*: Number with the Shopify id of the product
  • product_handle (Required)*: Shopify Product URL ending
  • customer_email (Required): String of text with the email of the author
  • rating (Required): Number with the rating of the review
  • customer_name (Required): String of text with the name of the author
  • review_title: String of text with the title of the review
  • review_body: String of text with the body of the review
  • reply: String of text with the body of merchant reply to the review. It will show under the review.
  • picture_urls: This cell can be filled in two ways:
    • One single URL
    • Several URLs separated by commas
  • video_urls: This cell can be filled in two ways:
    • One single URL
    • Several URLs separated by commas
  • status: It must be one of two valid values 1 or 0, published =1, and unpublished = 0
  • review_date: Date with the following format: 2021-03-25 22:54:53 UTC (Single digits are also valid: 2021-3-25)
  • vote_yes: Thumbs up rating for helpful reviews
  • vote_no: Thumbs down rating for unhelpful reviews
  • question:  String of text with the question about a product
  • answer:  String of text with the answer of the question
*At least one of the following values is required to migrate reviews to Hulk Product Reviews: product_id or product_handle. You must have at least one for the reviews to be imported. Having more than one is not necessary but it doesn’t affect the import process.

Example of a Valid Custom CSV File Structure 

  • Example for product_handle:
The product handle is “mega-helmet”
  • Example for one image URL:

  • Example for several image URLs:,
You can upload files in the following formats: ZIP, CSV, XLS, or XLSX.

ZIP File Requirements

If your file is in ZIP format, ensure that it contains a specific file named according to the following convention:

  • The file inside the ZIP must be named reviews.{myshopifydomain}.{extension}.

For a Shopify domain and an Excel file format, the file inside the ZIP archive should be named


  • CSV File
    • If you are uploading a CSV file, it should simply be named
  • XLS/XLSX File
    • For an Excel file, it should be named or depending on the specific Excel format.