Conditional Logic

  • Create rules that reveal or hide options based on previous selections made by your customers. E.g., Unless the customize shirt move was made in the previous step, hide the file upload option that asks for their logo.

Inventory Control

  • Each option can be added to a particular product variant in your store. Not only can it add the product price, but it will also handle stock inventory for each product option.

Edit Options in Cart

  • Customers can edit options they’ve previously selected directly from the cart page without having to start over from scratch. Our edit options appear on the cart page as a button that pops up with the specifics of the selected options.

Bulk Import / Export Options

  • Easily import existing options into your store with a single click

  • Download the data options in the .XLSX format

Validation for Min/Max option selection

  • If you’re using multiple-choice option types, there’s an option to add minimum and maximum values for option selection. E.g., if you want your users to only select 2 values from the collection of options, that can be done via our app.

Character limit

  • If you’re using the Textbox or Paragraph Text option, there’s an option to limit the characters allowed in the textbox. 

Set default option value

  • Our app lets you pre-select specific options on behalf of the customer as the default selection.

Multiple Swatch Select option

  • Give shoppers access to multiple image or color swatch selections with minimum and maximum validation, which they can see during the selection process.

  • View what they selected on the order summary in your admin.

Date Field option

  • Provide your customers with a date field to let them enter the precise date for the event or expected delivery timeline.

Offer One Time Charge option

  • Limit the charge of multiple purchased quantities and only apply the charge once for our app’s option, irrespective of the purchased quantity.

Hidden field option

  • Hidden fields define a value that is never displayed to the user; the user cannot interact with or change the value of the field. It is particularly useful when you want to add a tag or note within your customer’s order for purchased products.

Color Picker Option

  • The color field in the Hulk Product Options app lets our advanced members pick the color as a value in the storefront.

Customizable button option

  • Button options are just like radio buttons with a help text element activated by a user with a mouse or keyboard. Once activated, it will display additional help text to users.

Popup option

  • This feature will let you add a custom button that opens in a popup which gives a quick overview of your product. You can edit this popup in HTML format; this lets you add any text, number, table, image, or HTML content.