Issue store credit to your customers that can be used to process refunds or reward customers - The store credit can then be spent on new orders. The refunds are processed directly from the app as well as from the customer's page. You can add or subtract store credit from the customer's balance, either per customer or via mass actions or automatically. You can reward customers for purchasing from a specific collection or products using Cashback & Automation functionality.  

  • Keep the money in-store and use the store credit for refunds and returns.

  • Reward customers for purchasing using Cashback & Automation functionality.

  • Bulk CSV import, export & track your customer's store credit easily.

Instructions to enable CreditsYard - Store Credit  with Hulk Mobile App Builder

  • Hulk Mobile App Builder is on either PRO+ or the Enterprise plan.

  • Make sure that the CreditsYard - Store Credit Integration app is installed in the Shopify store.


  • Navigate to the Hulk Mobile App Builder App > Settings > Integrations > Paste the created API token from the CreditsYard, and Enable the Integration. 

Congratulations! You have successfully integrated the CreditsYard plugin into our Hulk Mobile App Builder application.