A color field in the Metafield Master app lets our Pro members pick the color as a value in the storefront.

Here’s how you display a color picker in your storefront using the Metafields Master app:

  1. Go to the app dashboard
  2. Select the resource where you want to display the additional information in your storefront.
  3. For instance, click on product to display the additional information on the product page.
  4. Select the product on which you want to display the additional information using the metafields.
  5. You’ll be taken to the app dashboard. Simply click on the Create New button
  6. Fill in the following details:
    1. Namespace : Category of the metafield
    2. Key : Name of the metafield
    3. Description : Brief about the metafield you’re creating
    4. Type : Select the type of metafield as Color Picker
    5. Select the color from the Color Picker
  7. Click on Save & view the product in your storefront on which you’ve created the metafields.