To display the form in your storefront, we need to go through a chain of configurations. Let us show you how you can do it.

Let’s get started with embedding a contact form in your store:

Go to the app dashboard

Click on New Form under Create New Form within the app's Dashboard in the Form Builder app.

Select the type of form from the Templates. As we’re adding a Contact Us form, we’ll select the Contact Us form.

Fill in the required form details, and set your preferences under the rest of these configurations:

  1. After Submission Action
  2. Autoresponder Email
  3. Admin Email

You have another set of options to configure when you click on Form Integration. It will allow you to personalize the form to your requirements.

Next is to change the look & feel of the form under Form Design. When you’re done with these configurations, simply click on Save and select Existing Forms.

You’ll be redirected to the Form dashboard, all you now need to do is copy the shortcode of the form you created and place it in your theme where you want to display the form.