Follow the steps for theme integration:

1. Navigate to the Online Store section of your Shopify store and under the Themes page look for your preferred Shopify 2.0 theme that is compatible and click on the Customize.

2. Click on the App embeds tab on the left side of the page under the Theme settings block and enable the Hulk Form Builder option and Save the settings.

3. Navigate to the Apps page of your Shopify store and open the Form Builder application.

4. Click on the New Form button to create a new form as per your preference and Save it to generate the form short code or form ID.

Click on the Forms button to view the list of the existing forms that you have created within the app.

5. Copy the code Form short code. 

NOTE: Under numbers 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9 is only one way to embed the form.

6. Navigate to Online Store > Pages and create a new page 'OR' choose an existing page on which you would like to place the form.

7. Click on the Show HTML button in the content section of the page.

8. Paste the copied code in the block and Save the page.

9. Click on the View page button to view the form placement on the page.

NOTE: The other way to embed the form is under the following numbers:

10. Copy the code ID of the form that you would like to place on the page.

11. Navigate back to the Online Store section of your Shopify store and under the Themes page look for your preferred Shopify 2.0 theme that is compatible and click on the Customize button.

12. Select your preferred page on which you would like to display the form or create a new template.

13. In the Add section click on the Form block button.

14. And then Paste the form ID in the Form ID block and Save the page.

Preview the page on the storefront to view the form.