• Import Wishlist Data via CSV

    • Customer Email

    • Product Handle

    • Variant ID

  • Export Wishlist Data via CSV

    • Customer Email (Except for guest wishlist)

    • Product Title

    • Product Handle

    • Variant Title

    • Customers Wishlist Created Date

    • Customer’s Wishlist Name

  • Wishlist Activity Details

    • Product title, variant & image

    • SKU

    • Inventory

    • Total Wishlisted Products

    • Added by Customers

    • Added by Guests

    • Revenue Generated

    • Wishlisted Customers ID

    • Wishlisted Customers Name

    • Wishlisted Customers Email

    • Customers No. of Wishlisted Items 

    • Customers No. of Purchased from Wishlist Items

    • No. of Days in Customers Wishlist

    • Customers Wishlist Created Date

    • Customers Wishlist Updated Date

    • Products Wishlisted by Customers

    • Filter Wishlist Activity Details by Month or See All Time Data

  • Reminder Email Details

    • Customer Email

    • Sent Date

    • Subject / Content

    • Reminder Type

  • Wishlist management rules with ability for Store Owners to:

    • Add Products to Customers Saved Wishlist

    • Delete Products from Customer’s Wishlist

    • Allow Guest Shoppers to Add to Wishlist (Support for Anonymous Users or Non Logged-in Users)

    • Remove purchased products from sharer’s wishlist

    • Enable or disable wishlist notifications

    • Auto-delete products from customer’s wishlist data after a specified time period.

  • Email notifications + Contextual triggers

    • Automated reminder emails for wishlisted products

    • Wishlisted products back-in-stock restock email

    • Wishlisted products price drop email

    • Wishlisted products low stock email

    • Customizable email templates with dynamic variables

  • Custom Email Service Provider (ESP) with SMTP configuration to control the sending email domain

  • Wishlist Page 

    • Unlimited Multiple Wishlist Boards

    • Available layout types - list and grid style

    • Floating help button on wishlist page

    • Complete customization with font size, title position, button, colors, date format, pagination button / tab style, items per page

    • Product click action - Either show product details popup or redirect to product detail page

    • Bulk delete or move to cart in 1-click from Wishlist page

    • Decide whether to remain on the wishlist page after adding an item to the cart

    • Keep or remove product from wishlist after adding to cart

    • Add a custom link for empty wishlist button

    • Sorting wishlist items by popularity

  • Wishlist Notifications Style

    • Plain text notifications

    • Notifications with an image of product in shopper’s wishlist

    • Notification timeout from 3 to 10 seconds

  • Wishlist Icon & Button

    • Custom wishlist icon (heart, paw, fire, bookmark, etc)

    • Fully customizable properties - font size, square/round background, colors, animations or no animation

    • Icon on product images settings (left/right side)

    • Display sticky sidebar widget - quick view popup or wishlist page with complete styling & positioning

      • Show or hide on mobile version

    • Display customer’s wishlist total count in header icon

      • Hide the count value for an empty wishlist

  • Social proof or popularity counter with total products (including variants) wishlisted on the product & collection page

  • Wishlist tab on customer’s My Account page & vice versa

  • Save for Later from Cart page

    • Save for later tab

    • Save all for later 1-click button

  • Share Wishlist

    • Through email, public link or social-media (Facebook, Pinterest, Twitter)

    • Buy from a Shared Wishlist (Email recipient receive full wishlist details - product title, image, quantity & choice of variant)

    • Email recipients can add shared products to cart and send a gift to their friends and family

    • Customizable template for sharing wishlist via email

    • Share individual wishlisted products not the entire list

  • Advanced Settings

    • Custom JS or storefront customization

    • Custom CSS for styling

    • Tracking wishlist activity for remarketing with paid campaigns on:

      • Google Analytics (via GA4 - G-xxx ID tracking code) 

      • Facebook/Meta and Instagram (via tracking pixel ID)

    • JavaScript APIs for customization

    • Customizable Product Recommendation Section (Bestsellers/Most Wishlisted, Collections & Products)

    • Hide wishlist button on specific products via tags

  • Dashboard/Reports

    • Top 10 Wishlisted Items

    • No. of Active Wishlisted Customers

    • No. of Guest Shoppers

    • No. of Saved for Later Items

    • Average Order Value

    • Revenue from Wishlist

    • Email reminders Sent - General, Restock, Price Drop, Low Stock

  • Integrations

  • Translations

    • All front-end aspects in wishlist display, including notifications in any one preferred non-english language.

      • Wishlist page translation

      • Wishlist notifications translation

      • Add to wishlist popup translation

      • Email subscribe popup translation