What's new

Jun 2024

  • Add to wishlist from POS Shopify device
  • Share wishlist as a guest
  • Auto-translate storefront aspects in 20 languages. 

Jan 2024

  • The 'Shared Wishlist Link' now enables recipients to select their preferred size variants directly within the Wishlist page.

Oct 2023

  • 1.13.26: Guest wishlist items moved to customer wishlist account on login action.

Sep 2023

  • 1.13.23: Resolved cart drawer issue on "move to cart" from wishlist event.
  • 1.13.24: Update the product quantity on shared wishlist
  • 1.13.25: Fixed bug for guest wishlist users, not transferred when user creates account.

Aug 2023

  • 1.13.19: Google Sheets integration for Add to Wishlist and Save for Later actions.
  • 1.13.20: Improved the conditions to open mini cart or cart drawer
  • 1.13.21: Share via email was made optional.
  • 1.13.22: Removed several bugs and added slight improvements to create exceptional wishlist experience.

July 2023

  • 1.11.80: Wishlist action notifications timeout settings.
  • 1.11.81: Bug fixes - The Sidebar widget was not clickable on the image banner and the "Save for Later" button issue was on the cart page from the frontend side.
  • 1.12.81: Introduced Shopify Flow integration
  • 1.12.81: Introduced Zapier integration
  • 1.12.19: Email notifications will be sent to customers with active products.

June 2023

  • 1.11.78: Fixed considerable issues around admin settings.
  • 1.11.79: Added Export/Import Activity Log option in the admin panel.

May 2023

  • 1.11.77: Added import-export activity logs in app admin.
  • 1.11.76: Fixed email notification issue where the first account to wishlist a shared item received the notification, while others did not.
  • 1.11.75: Custom Out-of-Stock Notification for Exclusive Products
  • 1.11.74: Option to disable wishlist notifications.

April 2023

  • 1.11.73: Improved UI of wishlist button, floating widget and wishlist popup to make it consistent.
  • 1.11.72: "View all" data display setting for Wishlist items list in admin panel.
  • 1.11.71: Export guest wishlist items.
  • 1.11.70: When you share wishlist with a guest, if one of them places an order, is the item in question removed from the wishlist.
  • 1.11.69: Compatibility with Search and Filter apps.
  • 1.11.68: Export guest wishlist data and sent email data.
  • 1.11.67: Search bar on multi-wishlist boards and wishlist popup.
  • 1.11.66: Adjust the quantity of wishlisted items on wishlist page before adding it to cart.

March 2023

  • 1.11.65: Customers can share wishlist among friends, who can then add chosen items to any wishlist board of their preference.
  • 1.11.64: Export email sent details and export guest wishlist details in one click.
  • 1.11.63: Email reminder details are available starting today (March 28, 2023) for every customer.
  • 1.11.62: Auto-delete items from customer's wishlist after a certain period.
  • 1.11.61: Move items to a wishlist from Shared Wishlist.
  • 1.11.60: Improved hiding wishlist for certain products (with tags) to hide the "Save for later" tab from the Cart page.

Feb 2023

  • 1.11.59: Save All for Later global button next to the cart page.
  • 1.11.58: Customers can select the exact variant to be added to the cart from the My Wishlist page.
  • 1.11.57: Change the default button URL when the user has an empty cart; instead of "Add Products": Example
  • 1.11.56: Admin can add items to a customer's wishlist (along with variants). Example
  • 1.11.55: Opt-in consent or pre-emptive option for sending wishlist notifications. Default: pre-emptive setting for current users.
  • 1.11.54: Wishlist actions are now WCAG compliant.
  • 1.11.53: Empty and filled heart icon variation on wishlisting action in the header.

Jan 2023

  • 1.11.52: Choose between pagination or 'load more' button on My Wishlist page.
  • 1.11.51: Ability to ATC via shared wishlist for gifting friends.
  • 1.11.50: Additional help text or information on Sharing wishlist displayed on the front end.
  • 1.11.49: Lazy loading product image on Wishlist page (without pagination). - Todo
  • 1.11.48: Ajax cart compatibility. - Todo
  • 1.10.48: Conversion Bear integration for currency conversion on the Wishlist page.
  • 1.10.47: Integrations tab with UI/UX.
  • 1.10.46: Option to choose the automatic placement of the heart icon on the header.
  • 1.10.45: Optional Wishlist page setting on product image click action to either open details page or details popup.

Dec 2022

  • 1.10.44: A "thank you message" on subscribing to receive product updates.
  • 1.10.43: Collection and Product heart icon additional styling properties - thickness, type, background.
  • 1.10.42: Option for shoppers to unsubscribe from receiving wishlist reminder emails.
  • 1.10.41: Header heart icon customization.
  • 1.10.40: Option for admin to update Wishlist page SEO.
  • 1.10.39: Automatic installation on header.
  • 1.10.38: Wishlist action animation is now optional.
  • 1.10.37: Compare at price display on the Wishlist page.
  • 1.10.36: Share the wishlist using an email template.
  • 1.10.35: UI of edit, delete, share and subscribe to multiple wishlist boards.
  • 1.10.34: Custom email sending domain configuration settings.
  • 1.10.33: Custom email sending domain configuration settings.
  • 1.10.32: Dashboard with additional reporting - AOV, Guest Wishlist items, Orders from Wishlist.
  • 1.9.32: Admin can remove items from the customer's wishlist.
  • 1.9.31: Place the account page link on the Wishlist page.
  • 1.9.30: Allow wishlist action on any page on the site with the customizable floating widget.
  • 1.8.30: Special feature to display wishlist icon on product image!
  • 1.8.29: Customize certain actions on Wishlist using the custom JS feature.

Nov 2022

  • 1.7.30: Merchants can show or hide bulk actions on the MyWishlist page.
  • 1.7.29: With our product recommendation feature, merchants can upsell and cross-sell products and increase sales during BFCM.
  • 1.6.29: Wishlist popup notification modal UI upgrade to reflect product image.
  • 1.6.28: Add a social counter on your product pages, collection page, and private wishlist header.
  • 1.6.27: Klaviyo and HulkApps can be connected so you can create specific flows and campaigns.
  • 1.6.26: Updated Wishlist button properties to reflect the default as well as hover state, which includes: font size, border radius, and button colors on default and hover state - background, border, and button text.
  • 1.6.25: Merchants can choose to include item variants count to the wishlist public counter.
  • 1.6.24: The option to add a wishlist tab to the customer's Account page.
  • 1.6.23: Improved pagination design, added bulk actions option on My Wishlist page, and increased the default limit to the number of items on a page from 10 to 12.

Oct 2022

  • 1.6.22: Diligently fixed certain bugs on the wishlist.
  • 1.6.21: Low stock reminders - Send alerts for items that are low in stock to induce sales.
  • 1.6.20: Hide wishlist - Hide wishlist button for specific products.
  • 1.6.19: Share settings - Updated sharing parameters in the admin panel.

June 2022

  • 1.6.18: Import/Export Wishlist Customers data in CSV format.
  • 1.6.17: Display up to 250 rows per page on the Wishlist items summary page.
  • 1.6.16: Added option for admin to choose whether they want shoppers to stay on Wishlist page after ATC. Also, admins can choose if they like to remove an item from the Wishlist once it’s Added to Cart.
  • 1.6.15: Wishlist item sorting + separate categories for Guest items and Registered user items.

May 2022

  • 1.6.14: Adding Wishlist items based on variant selection, Resolved Add to Wishlist button's CSS override issue for Shopify legacy themes.
  • 1.6.13: Wishlist loaded to default color in the collection pages.
  • 1.6.12: Added a block with wishlist button customization for Shopify 2.0 themes from the Shopify theme editor instead of the app admin.
  • 1.6.11: Improved button load speed.

Mar 2022

  • 1.6.10: Set useful “default” emails for Auto Reminders, Restock Alerts, and Price Drop.

Dec 2021

  • 1.5.10 & 1.5.9: Added export wishlisted items directly from the Advanced Wishlist functionality. 📤, Setup triggers to send merchants monthly reports via emails. 🗓

Sept 2021

  • 1.5.9 to 1.2.7: Compatible with products that have their inventory tracking OFF., Added Custom CSS section for styling. 💃, Introduced Public API for Hulk Mobile App Builder app stores to view and update wishlist., Added Import function for variant-based items. 📤, Added Wishlisted items search functionality🔎, Added Choose plan later option for merchants. 💵, Online store 2.0 compatibility support.

Apr 2021

  • 1.2.6.v to 1.2.3.v: Added variant-based wishlist functionality, "My ❤️" page view option (Grid/List), Email template setup. 📧, “Move to Wishlist” functionality was added, Improved Guest wishlist - Merging data functionality.

Jul 2020

  • 1.2.1: Public wishlist functionality is available.

Jun 2020

  • 1.1.1: CSS issues, including 📱 version - button padding bug resolved.